Straight from a Vet’s Mouth
In BlogI know you love your pets as much as I do and their safety is so important. During the holidays our homes truly become full of danger for our feline friends and other small pets. I remember many times our ferret would scramble up our Christmas tree only to start chewing on something dangerous. I was so happy to find this article written by Karen Commings for the Cornell Feline Health Center at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The article does a great job spelling out the many hazards our cats and small pets face during Christmas time in our homes. “Cats like to chew novel things, so make sure it’s safe. If it’s not safe for a child, it’s not safe for a cat,” says Dr. Pamela Perry, DVM, PhD. Take a minute to read her words directly here. I hope that you enjoy your Christmas Tree Defender as you keep your pets safe even while you can’t be watching their every move.