Pet Microchip Explained
In BlogMicrochipping not only helps found pets get reunited with their owners, it can also establish ownership in cases of stolen pets. Understand that microchips are not tracking devices, and they do not have any power source. A microchip is read by passing a scanner over the pet, which reads the radio frequency of the chip and displays the identification number. A microchip is a permanent identification number, one that cannot be lost or removed like a collar with tags. The information you provide when registering your dog’s microchip number is stored on a database, so that the information will always be available.
Once you’ve microchipped your pet, keep your information updated so you can be easily contacted when you pet is found. Many microchip companies offer services to help with recovery of lost pets, such as amber alerts to all animal hospitals, Veterinarians and Shelters in the area.
See your Veterinarian for Microchipping Service.