Show-me your ID please!
In BlogOne of the worst experiences for a cat owner is a beloved pets disappearance. Perhaps a precocious indoor feline sneaks out of the house to explore a sunny day. Maybe an indoor-outdoor cat doesn’t return home for the evening. Whatever the reason, the best way to ensure your cat returns home is with pet identification. You never know when an emergency can happen and your cat can get away. Of the thousands of stray cats that come into shelters each year, only about 2 percent find their way home.
Every cat should have identification. The first and most common is a collar with an ID tag. Anyone who sees a kitty with a collar won’t mistake it as a stray or feral cat.
Because cats jump and climb more than dogs, choose break-away collars that slip-off easily if they get caught on something. You should be able to fit two fingers under the collar for a comfortable fit. Also, check the fit occasionally as your cat grows or puts on weight.
My indoor cats all wear collars with her phone number embroidered on the material. You can use a permanent marker to put information on the inside of the collar as well.
Tags are available at pet stores, veterinary offices and on the Internet. Be sure to include the cats name and your phone number in the information. An alternative contact number is also a good idea, as is a listing of any medical conditions. Some owners also engrave call collect and reward on the tags. Because cats are notorious for slipping out of their collars, consider a permanent form of back-up identification.
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