BEWARE of the Beautiful Tinsel!
In BlogChristmas is such a wonderful holiday, it’s my favorite! My most favorite part is decorating the Christmas tree. Just remember with our pet children that there are hundreds of hazards that can potentially exist with a Christmas tree, it is impossible to list them all. Remember tinsel of any kind is a huge danger to any pet. Tinsel is pretty and not only is it used to decorate trees I have seen it used in cat teasers toys because it is shiny and attention getting. Pets love it because of this reason, they love to play with, chew on, suck on and swallow these tiny strips of shiny metal or plastic strips. The most dangerous part is that these tiny strips can get stuck in the pet’s intestinal tract causing an intestinal blockage or even cutting the bowels leading to death. The other problem is that metals on the tinsel is usually lead coated which leads to the potential danger of absorbing the heavy metals. Please keep in mind that ribbon, package string, strands of popcorn and cranberries or even strings from the family turkey or roast can all cause intestinal blockages in any pet. If you suspect your pet has swallowed any foreign body, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline for treatment advice. A thorough oral exam (which may need to be done under sedation) and x-rays may be necessary. Click here for link to Pet Poison Helpline for advice about Tinsel.