Beware of the Halloween Candy…its dangerous to all pets!
In BlogIn preparation for costume parties and trick-or-treaters, the Halloween festivities are usually accompanied by sweet and chocolaty treats. During this time it is important to keep chocolate treats and sweets away from your pets. Chocolates, in addition to causing an upset stomach, contain caffeine and a toxin called theobromine. In dogs and cats, both the caffeine and theobromine can cause high heart rates, high blood pressure, and rarely seizures. If we know a dog has eaten chocolate then treatment can consist of inducing vomiting, giving medications to prevent absorption of the toxin contained in the chocolate, and sometimes a night in the hospital on IV fluids. It is better to avoid potential exposures to chocolate by keeping the treats out of reach or within a cabinet. If your pet gets into the Halloween candy, it is recommended to have them checked out by a veterinarian to start treatment. For more Common Foods Toxic to Pets, please click HERE